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Carnival of Felting by Gillian Harris

Carnival of Felting by Gillian Harris
Carnival of Felting by Gillian HarrisCarnival of Felting by Gillian HarrisCarnival of Felting by Gillian HarrisCarnival of Felting by Gillian Harris
£ 18.79 (£ 15.66 excl VAT) each

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Think of a carnival, what does it conjure up? - a celebration of bright colours, lots of fun, excitement and spectacle - all these elements are featured in Gillian's new book - hot off the press this Spring. Following on from the successful Complete Feltmaking, Gillian draws on the carnival atmosphere to create a diverse range of stylish felt-making projects....

UK Softback Book

Brand new Carnival of Felting contains a lots of practical advice on all of the different felting techniques, in particular, wet felting (with precision!), needle felting, fine cobweb felting and nuno felting. There are lots of colourful projects to choose from, including things for the home, and accessories for you too, -  from a sheer cobweb felt curtain to fantastic festive party  bunting, or an intricately decorated floral evening bag. Gillian often combines different felting techniques together and the projects are vibrant and detailed. "Her unique sense of style has resulted in some wonderful projects that everyone should want to make and own."



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